NCCA Policies
A - Foundations & Basic Commitments
- Index A 23.24.pdf
- AA - NCCA Legal Status.pdf
- ABA Community & Parent Involvement.pdf
- AC - Non-Discrimination.pdf
- AC-R - NonDiscrimination Grievance Procedures.pdf
- ACAC - Title IX Sexual Harassment.docx - Google Docs.pdf
- ACAC-R - Sexual Harassment Investigation Form.pdf
- ACE - Procedural Safeguards.pdf
- AD - Vision. Mission Statement.pdf
- ADA - Program Goals & Objectives.pdf
- ADB - Drug-Free Workplace.pdf
- ADC - Prohibition tobacco, E-Cigarettes, E-Liquids.pdf
- AE - Accountability - Google Docs.pdf
- AFA - Evaluation of Board Procedures.pdf
C - Administration
- CA - Administration Goals.pdf
- CB - Principal of NCCA.pdf
- CBI Evaluation of the Principal.pdf
- CBI-E Staff Evaluation.pdf
- CCB Line and Staff Relations.pdf
- CH Policy Implementation.pdf
- CH Policy of the Board.pdf
- CHA Development of Regulations.pdf
- CHB Board Review of Regulations.pdf
- CHCA Approval of Handbooks and Directives.pdf
- CHD Administration in Policy Absence.pdf
- CLA Treatment of Outside Reports.pdf
- CM Annual Report.pdf
D - Fiscal Management
- D Index.pdf
- DA - Fiscal Management.pdf
- DAF - Administration of Federal Grant Funds.pdf
- DB - Annual Budget.pdf
- DBJ - Transfer of Appropriation.pdf
- DD - Funding Proposals & Applications.pdf
- DEA - NCCA Revenue Sources.pdf
- DG - Depository of Funds.pdf
- DGA - Authorized Signatures.pdf
- DH - Indemnification of Officers.pdf
- DI - Fiscal Accounting & Reporting.pdf
- DID - Fixed Assets.pdf
- DIE - Audits.pdf
- DJ - Purchasing.pdf
- DJC - Petty Cash Accounts.pdf
- DJE - Bidding Requirements.pdf
- DJF - Local Purchasing.pdf
- DK - Payment Procedures.pdf
- DKA - Payroll Procedures.pdf
- DKC - Expense Reimbursements.pdf
- DM - Cash In School Buildings.pdf
G - Personnel
- G Index.pdf
- GA - Personnel Policies Goals.pdf
- GADA - Prohibiting the Aiding & Abetting of Sexual Abuse.pdf
- GBA - Equal Opportunity Employment.pdf
- GBAA - Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence.pdf
- GBAA-R - Reporting Form for Harassment, Bullying.pdf
- GBCD - Background Investigation & Criminal Records Check.pdf
- GBD - Board-Employee Communications.pdf
- GBE - Employee Responsibilities.pdf
- GBEA - Employee Conflict of Interest.pdf
- GBEBC - Employee Gifts & Solicitations.pdf
- GBEC - Drug-Free Workplace Policy.pdf
- GBED - Tobacco Products Ban.pdf
- GBG - Employee Protection.pdf
- GBGA - Medical Examination of School Personnel.pdf
- GBGAA - HIV.AIDS Policy.pdf
- GBJ -Personnel Records.pdf
- GBJA - HIPAA.pdf
- GBJA-R - Notice of Privacy Practices.pdf
- GBK - Employee Complaints & Grievances.pdf
- GCA - Professional Staff Positions.pdf
- GCCBC - Family & Medical Leave Act.pdf
- GCEB - Administrative Staff Recruiting.pdf
- GCG - PT & Sunstitute Professional Staff Employment.pdf
- GCH -Professional Staff Orientation.pdf
- GCI - Professional Staff Development Opportunities.pdf
- GCID - Professional Activities of Teachers.pdf
- GCK - Professional Staff Assignments & Transfers.pdf
- GCNA - Supervision of Instructional Staff.pdf
- GCO - Evaluation of Professional Staff.pdf
- GCR - Non-School Employment by Professional Staff Members.pdf
- GCRD - Tutoring For Pay.pdf
- GDF - Support Staff Hiring.pdf
- GDM - Support Staff Development Opportunities.pdf
- GDO - Evaluation of Support Staff.pdf
J - Students
- J Index.pdf
- JBAA - Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence.pdf
- JCA - Assignment of Students to School.pdf
- JEB - Age of Entrance.pdf
- JF - Enrollment Policy.pdf
- JFABD - Homeless Children.pdf
- JH - Student Absences & Excuses.pdf
- JHB - Truancy.pdf
- JHBB - Student Absences.pdf
- JHC - Student Release Precautions.pdf
- JI - Student Rights & Responsibilities.pdf
- JIB - Student Involvement in Decision Making.pdf
- JIC - Student Conduct.pdf
- JICA - Student Dress Code.pdf
- JICC - Student Conduct on School Buses.pdf
- JICD - Student Conduct, Discipline & Due Process.pdf
- JICDAA - Employee Student Relations.pdf
- JICDD - Student Discpline Out-Of-School Activities.pdf
- JICE - Student Publications.pdf
- JICF - Gang Activity.pdf
- JICFA - Hazing.pdf
- JICG - Tobacco Products Ban.pdf
- JICH - Drug & Alcohol Use by Students.pdf
- JICI - Dangerous Weapons on School Property.pdf
- JICJ - Unauthorized Communication Devices.pdf
- JICK - Pupil Safety & Violence Prevention - Bullying.pdf
- JICL - School Districy Internet Access for Students.pdf
- JIE - Pregnant Students.pdf
- JIH - Student Searches & Their Property.pdf
- JIHC - Use of Metal Detectors.pdf
- JJA - Student Activities, Organizations.pdf
- JJF - Student Activities Fund Management.pdf
- JKA - Corporal Punishment.pdf
- JKB - Detention of Students.pdf
- JLC - Student Health Services.pdf
- JLCA - Physical Examination of Students.pdf
- JLCB - Immunizations of Students.pdf
- JLCC - Communicable Diseases.pdf
- JLCCA - HIV Aids Policy.pdf
- JLCD - Administering Medication to Students.pdf
- JLCD-R1 - Procedures for Administrating Medication to Students.pdf
- JLCD-R2 - Parental Request for Prescription Medication at School.pdf
- JLCE - First Aid & Emergency Care.pdf
- JLDBA - Behavior Management & Intervention.pdf
- JLDBB - Suicide Prevention & Response.pdf
- JLF - Reporting Child Abuse.pdf
- JLIA - Supervision of Students.pdf
- JLIE - Student Automobile Use.pdf
- JQ - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges.pdf
- JRA - Student Records & Access.pdf
- JRA-E1 - Requests for Student Records.pdf
- JRA-R1 - Access to Student Records - Notice.pdf
B - Board Governance
- B Index.pdf
- BA - Eval. of Board Operational Procedures.pdf
- BB - Board of Trustees Legal Status.pdf
- BBA - BoT Powers & Duties.pdf
- BBAA - Board Member Authority.pdf
- BBB - Board Membership-Terms.pdf
- BCA - Board Member Ethics Policy Statement.pdf
- BCA-R - Code of Ethics.pdf
- BCB - Board Member Conflict of Interest.pdf
- BDB - BoT Officers.pdf
- BDH - Board Consultants.pdf
- BEA - Regular BoT Meetings.pdf
- BEB - Special Board Meetings.pdf
- BEC -Non-Public Sessions.pdf
- BEDA -Public Notofication of Board Meeting.pdf
- BEDC - Quorum.pdf
- BEDG - Minutes of BoT Meetings.pdf
- BFE - Administration in Policy Absence.pdf
- BGF - Suspension of Policies.pdf
- BIE - Board Member Indemnification.pdf
E - Support Services
- E Index.pdf
- EB - Safety Program.pdf
- EB Safety Program.pdf
- EBBB - Accident Reports.pdf
- EBBC - First Aid.pdf
- EBBD Indoor Air Quality & Water Quality.pdf
- EBCA - Crisis Prevention & Emergency Operations Plans.pdf
- EBCA Emergency Plans.pdf
- EBCB Fire Drills.pdf
- EBCC - Bomb Threats.pdf
- EBCC False Alarms, Bomb, Active Shooter, and Other Such Threats.pdf
- EBCD Emergency Closings.pdf
- EC - Building & Grounds Management.pdf
- ECA - Buildings & Grounds Security.pdf
- ECAC Vandalism.pdf
- EDC - Authorized Use of School-Owned Materials & Equipment.pdf
- EEAE - Transportation Policy.pdf
- EEAEC - Student Conduct of School Buses.pdf
- EEBB Use of Private Vehicles to Transport Students.pdf
- EGA Internet Access for Students.pdf
- EGAD Copyright Compliance.pdf
- EH Data Management.pdf
- EHAA Computer Security, E-Mail and Internet Communications Policy.pdf
- EHB - Record Retention Policy.pdf
- EI - Risk Management.pdf
- EIB - Liability Insurance.pdf
- EID - Insurance.pdf
I - Instruction
- IB - Academic Freedom.pdf
- IC -School Year.pdf
- ICA - School Calendar.pdf
- IFA - Instructional Needs of Each Individual Student.pdf
- IGA - Curriculum Development.pdf
- IGD - Curriculum Adoption.pdf
- IGE - Parental Objection to Specific COurse Material.pdf
- IHAE - Physical Education.pdf
- IHAK - Character & Citizenship Education.pdf
- IHAL - Teaching About Religion.pdf
- IHAMA - Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol & Tobacco.pdf
- IHAMC - HIV.AIDS Policy.pdf
- IHBA - Programs for Pupils with Disabilities.pdf
- IHBAA - Evaluation Requirements for Children.pdf
- IHBB - Programs for Gifted Pupils.pdf
- IHBCA - Pregnant Students.pdf
- IHBI - Alternative Learning Plans.pdf
- IHCA - Summer Activities.pdf
- IHCD - Advanced College Placement.pdf
- IJ - Instructional Materials.pdf
- IJL - Library Materials Selection & Adoption.pdf
- IJO - Cimmunity Resources.pdf
- IJOA - Field Trips & Excursions.pdf
- IJOC - Volunteers.pdf
- IK - Earning of Credit.pdf
- IKA - Grading System.pdf
- IKB - Homework.pdf
- IKE - Promotion & Retention of Students.pdf
- IKF - High School Graduation Policy.pdf
- IKFA - Early Graduation.pdf
- IKG - Awards & Scholarships.pdf
- IL - Evaluation of Instructional Programs.pdf
- ILBAA - High School Competency Assessments.pdf
- ILD - Non-Educational Questionnaires, Surveys and Research.pdf
- IMAB - Teachers Teching Their Own Children.pdf
- IMBC - Alternative Credit Options.pdf
- IMBD - High School Credit for Seventh-Eighth Grade Coursework.pdf
- IMC - Controversial Speakers & Programs.pdf
- IMGA - Service Animals.pdf